The Problem
Endotracheal intubation procedures are performed on certain medical patients. In this procedure, a tube providing an airway may be introduced to assist the breathing of a patient having undergone certain kinds of trauma. An anesthetic laryngoscope is an essential tool for the implementation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In this process, a laryngoscope blade is inserted into the mouth (see Figure) and is used to retract soft tissue, opening the patient’s jaw and mouth to form a clear, open path through which a tube or instrument may be inserted.
There are a wide variety of laryngoscopes with different designs and shapes. Laryngoscopes have a spatulate, which is an axially curved shape formed to cooperate with the conventional shape of oral cavity structure. The curved spatula portion of the blade is used for retracting soft tissue and opening the patient’s jaw and mouth to form a clear, open path through which a tube or instrument may be inserted. The wide variety of laryngoscopes differ mainly in design and accessories.
In those cases where the patient is unconscious, there is no patient gag reflex over which the medical practitioner must surmount to install a tube, or to insert some other medical device. Consequently, difficulty of an intubation procedure is greatly reduced, although not eliminated. However, there exist instances where the patient is awake, at least partially alert, desirably remains in such condition for a further period, and prompt intubation must be performed in spite of such facts. In such cases, the patient’s own gag reflex can constitute a significant obstacle to intubation.
Currently, the practitioners randomly orient the spray nozzle and try to coat all airway areas. This results in significant loss of anesthetic, over-coating in some areas, and undercoating in others, and slows the effectiveness of the drug. Our new device allows the practitioner to realize where the spray is being applied to and what is the coating conditions. The system has a mechanism to easily change the orientation of the nozzle and the spray.